I am looking for some performance details of PDFTron, I searched through your website and could not find. Can you please let me know the number of transactions PDFNet can handle in a minute? Can you please provide me with any efficiency related information.
Our site (http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/features.html) states the performance & reliability are some of the key features of the SDK:
"PDFNet was designed from ground up with high throughput and current applications in mind.
For speedy document reading, PDFNet uses incremental object loading and caching mechanisms.
Caching is used at different levels: from Cos based object caching to more sophisticated color-space, font and glyph caching.
Incremental save for fast serialization and document versioning.
Native code efficiency."
Having said this you may want to download PDFNet SDK (http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/downloads.html) and do some benchmarking on your end.
Based on the feedback (http://www.pdftron.com/whypdftron/testimonials.html) from our customers (http://www.pdftron.com/whypdftron/customers.html), PDFNet SDK is the top performing solution.