Performance issues while loading file in web viewer

Product: Web Viewer

Product Version: 11.1.1

We are loading file in the web viewer but getting performance issues with the below code:-

1- Web viewer initializing taking approx 3 sec. Below is the code:

             path: “…/…/…/js/lib/PdfTronWebViewer11.1.1/”,
             enableMeasurement: true,
             licenseKey: ‘license key’,
             backendType: ‘ems’,
             fullAPI: true,
             annotationUser: 12345,
          }, viewer
          ).then(instance => {


2- When we are loading file approx 1MB in the Web-viewer with the help of ‘instance.UI.loadDocument’ function. It is also taking 3-4 seconds. Below is the code:

               const arrayBuffer = xhr.response; // Note: not req.responseText

I tried to load the file with the path but that is also taking same time. like below code:-

  instance.UI.loadDocument("My pdf file path");

Please let me know why these are code taking too much time. Because of this code , My pdf file is loading very slow in the web viewer.

Please let me know What changes should I do to increase the performance of web viewer.

Rahul Y

Hi Rahul,

Is this issue recent?

Have you tried loading your file on the showcase to make sure it’s not the file that is causing the issue?

You can test it here:

I would advise you to make the simplest constructor possible and bring back one feature at a time to see when the issue start to occur.
You should also remove enableFeatures if you are using it.

You could start with this:

  path: "…/…/…/js/lib/PdfTronWebViewer11.1.1/",
  licenseKey: ‘license key’,
}, viewer).then(instance => {});

Best Regards,

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I load file on your showcase and it’s loading fine.

I tried with simple code but It’s still taking 2-3 seconds to initialize web viewer. I did try with below code:-

    path: "../../../js/lib/PdfTronWebViewer11.1.1/",            
    licenseKey: 'license key'
    }, viewer
   ).then(instance => {


And When we are loading file (1 MB) in the webviewer that function is also taking 3-4 seconds to load the file in webviewer.

        instance.UI.loadDocument("My pdf file path");
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Hi Rahul,

To investigate the issue, could you please provide the minimal sample project and the sample file for us to reproduce the issue, thank you.

You can find base samples here: Free Trial: JavaScript PDF Viewer | Apryse documentation

Make sure to delete any private information

Best Regards,

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