Problems importing PDFNet SDK for Windows Store Apps (yellow exclamation marks)

Q: I´m trying to test your library but I´m having a problem just as I tried so. The first step I’ve taken after installing the vsix package has been trying to add the reference. When I try to add it, it shows a yellow exclamation icon left on top of the reference icon and so does Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Package. When I double click the pdfnet reference to see the error, an alert pops and says “The operation could not be completed. Unespecified error”.

Also, in the reference properties chart, versión shown is and Resolved is displayed as “false”. I´d like to try the library and order a license but I can´t do so if it´s not working for me
A: This is likely because the project platform is set to use AnyCPU. Because PDFNet SDK for Windows Store apps contains native code it can not be used in an app that targets AnyCPU. To fix this problem, you can change the platform to any of x86, x64, or ARM under Build → Configuration Manager.