RadioGroup on multiple Pages

Product: PdfTron.Net.x64

Product Version: 10.10.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
I am not finding a way to add to a PDF a RadioGroup with multiple RadioButtons belonging to different pages

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
(The more descriptive your answer, the faster we are able to help you)
As I can see from doc (Class RadioButtonGroup) and samples (PDF Forms in C#: Flatten, Create, Modify | Apryse documentation), the class RadioButtonGroup only has a AddGroupButtonsToPage method.
I’d like to add a RadioGroup with a RadioButton on Page 1 and a RadioButton on Page 2, how can I do it?

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
I tried to create multiple RadioButtonGroups by

RadioButtonGroup radioButtonGroup = RadioButtonGroup.Create(loadedDocument, field_name);

using the same “field_name” and adding them to different pages by


but it is not working

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You can add a RadioButtonGroup across multiple pages. I have made a post here with instructions on how to do it. Please take a look here:

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It works great
Thank you

You’re welcome, happy to help.