Richtext in FreeText Annotation

Q: can you provide me sample code to create a freetext-annotation with
A: You could store richtext-content under "RC" key in FreeText
annotation. For example:

    Page page = doc.GetPage(1);
    pdftron.PDF.Annots.FreeText t =
pdftron.PDF.Annots.FreeText.Create(doc, new Rect(85, 458, 503, 502));
    t.SetContents("Hello World");

    t.GetSDFObj().PutString("RC", "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><body xmlns=
\"\" xmlns:xfa=\"
xfa-data/1.0/\" xfa:APIVersion=\"Acrobat:9.3.3\" xfa:spec=\"2.0.2\"
stretch:normal\"><p dir=\"ltr\"><span style=\"font-family:Helvetica
\">Hello </span><span style=\"color:#00AA00;font-style:italic;font-

Because PDFNet does not use rich text (at the moment) you should not
call RefreshAppearance().

Rich text appearance generation is now supported with the SDK please see the post below for more information: