Please give a brief summary of your issue: Can’t save merged DOCX template values back to DOCX
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I’ve followed the guides and the several posts in this community asking to be able to merge DOCX template values and save this file back to DOCX format.
This doesn’t look like it’s possible or supported at all? This is very frustrating given that getFileData accepted a downloadType attribute as either pdf or office. It makes no sense to me why switching to office would suddenly get a non-annotated file.
Similarly, it doesn’t look like the Office Editing module supports editing a document created from template values.
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
Thanks for your reply. I get this to work, but i dont want to have a PDF filled with the JSON data, rather i want to be able to edit the docx, which is filled with JSON Data.
The only way i get it to work is, that i load the docx with all placeholders, have inputs for each placeholder and per button, the docx gets filled with the data, but output is still a PDF. If i use the ‘enableOfficeEditing: true’ flag, then it keeps the unfilled docx with placeholders.
Maybe i should fill the docx with the data and convert the data back to docx and then open the new file. but I don’t know how to do this. Also I dont know, if it would keep all formations of the lines. It would be much easier to put the JSON data directly into the docx. But it looks like that is not possible?