scroll bar on the whole document

With pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl (used in a .net application), how can I have a vertical scroll bar which allows to move in the whole document (go from page to page) and not only in the current page ?
Thanks for your help !

Hello Marc,

Just to clarify, are you looking to use PDFViewCtrl directly, or PDFViewWPF on your .Net application?

Thank you.

I’m using the Webviewer, and I have the same question. When I have a document with many pages, it only shows and scrolls one page at a time. Then after a brief pause, the next or prev page abruptly replaces the current page in view.

The user experience is not great. Is there a solution for this so we can smoothly scroll the entire document?

By the way, I tried to file a ticket about this, but one support page is down and the other has a bug and wont recognize the “Product” input, so I can’t submit it.

Similar issue here. The scrolling on client side pdfWebViewer is really glitchy and not smooth. It turns out he way to solve it was changing the UI layout to: instance.UI.setLayoutMode(instance.UI.LayoutMode.Continuous);