Set bookmark color works only with some colors

WebViewer Version: 10.3.0

setting bookmark color is not working correctly, some colors get set correctly but the majority is not.

Correct behavior:
await pdfnetBookmark.setColor(255, 0, 0); // set the book mark color to style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);

Wrong behavior
but any other rgb combination is wrongly set:
await pdfnetBookmark.setColor(255, 50, 50); // set the bookmark color to style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

await pdfnetBookmark.setFlags(2); // doesn’t set bookmark font to bold?

Hello Senussi,

Thank you for reaching out, can you provide a sample application demonstrating your issue and what youre trying to accomplish? Thank you.


Thanks for reply,

I’m trying to re construct bookmarks from saved json from DB.

  1. first step is create Pdfnet Bookmark:
const pdfnetBookmark = await instance.Core.PDFNet.Bookmark.create(pdfDoc,;
await pdfnetBookmark.setFlags(outlineBookmark.flags); // to set font bold, but doesn't work either
await pdfnetBookmark.setColor(outlineBookmark.r, outlineBookmark.g, outlineBookmark.b);

second step is to add that created bookmarks to pdfDoc

let pdfDoc = await _documentViewer.getDocument().getPDFDoc();

the problem:
setColor works only with some colors like setColor(255,0,0) this sets the bookmark style correctly to rgb(255,0,0)
But when setColor(100, 50, 100) that sets bookmark style to style=“color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”
which is completely a wrong color as shown in attachments.

Hello Senussi,

The PDF spec defines the color for Bookmarks from 0.0 → 1.0.
You can use this code snippet to convert from 0 → 255

    const calculatedColor = (r,g,b) => {return [r/255, g/255, b/255]};
    await pdfnetBookmark.setColor(...calculatedColor(100,50,100));

Best regards,


Thanks for your answer. that fixed the problem.

Do you have any idea regards settings flags for font weight? it doesn’t work:

await pdfnetBookmark.setFlags(outlineBookmark.flags); // to set font bold, but doesn't work either

Hello Senussi,

What are you passing into outlineBookmark.flags? If you pass in 3 that would be bold and italics.

Thank you.

Thanks for reply,
I pass 3 or 2 but nothing gets rendered no bold neither bold&italic.

Hello Senussi,

It looks like we currently dont support this in our bookmarks panel at the moment. I have created a feature request to support this.

Best regards,