Unable to render the annotation

Product: iOS

Product Version: 11.1.84737

Unable to show annotation with trn-custom-data data

Below is sample xfdf string.

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><xfdf xmlns=\"http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><annots><freetext FontSize=\"12\" TextColor=\"#E44234\" creationdate=\"D:20241213130701+05\'30\'\" date=\"D:20241213130701+05\'30\'\" flags=\"print\" name=\"5e55d0be-cd8d-91e0-1794-cb5ec91b5d1d\" page=\"5\" rect=\"290.82,735.268,370.96,749.65\" subject=\"Free Text\" title=\"Kalyan Chakravarthy Mupparaju\" width=\"0\">\n    <trn-custom-data bytes=\"{&quot;trn-auto-size-type&quot;:&quot;auto&quot;,&quot;trn-wrapped-text-lines&quot;:&quot;[\\&quot;Insert text here \\&quot;]&quot;}\"/>\n    <contents>Insert text here</contents>\n    <contents-richtext>\n        <body>\n            <p>\n                <span style=\"font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none\">Insert text here</span>\n            </p>\n        </body>\n    </contents-richtext>\n    <defaultappearance>0 0 0 rg /Helvetica 12 Tf</defaultappearance>\n    <defaultstyle>font: Helvetica 12pt; text-align: left; text-vertical-align: top; color: #E44234</defaultstyle>\n</freetext>\n</annots></xfdf>
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Thank you for reaching out for Support. If you can submit a ticket here: Apryse
Providing a minimum runnable sample that can be run as-is, along with a video of the issue you are encountering, we’ll be able to further investigate.

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ApryseSample.zip (300.8 KB)

Please check this sample . Facing issue only for freetext annotation

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In order to further assist you, can you please provide all of that information and project while submitting a ticket to: Apryse
This will help us address your concerns more appropriately. Thank you for your cooperation.

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