Unable to retrieve the uniqueID of an annotation when converted from Core.Annotations.Annotation to PDFNet.Annot

WebViewer Version: 10.9.0

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We are continuing to evaluate the WebViewer SDK and have a question with regards to retrieving an annotation’s unique ID. There appear to be two types of annotations: Core.Annotations.Annotation and PDFNet.Annot.

Here is what I am trying to do:

  1. get the list of selected annotations
  2. add them to an OCG layer

Here is what I have tried:

  1. get list of selected annotations:
    I have hooked into the appropriate event to call annotationManager.getSelectedAnnotations(). This returns an array of Core.Annotations.Annotation and each one of these contains an Id.

  2. add them to OCG layer:
    I am using PDFNet.OCG to create this layer like so: let ocgLayer = await PDFNet.OCG.create(pdfDoc, 'layerName'); but then I realized after looking at a few samples, that I have to convert from Core.Annotations.Annotation to PDFNet.Annot to be able to associate the annotation with the ocf layer.

So what I am doing is get the XFDF representation of the selected annotations using:
let xfdfAnnotations = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations({annotationList: selectedAnnotations});

Then I attempt to import them into the underlying PDF doc as follows:

    let pdfDoc = await documentViewer.getDocument().getPDFDoc();
 await pdfDoc.mergeXFDFString(xfdfAnnotations, new PDFNet.PDFDoc.MergeXFDFOptions().setForce(false));

Next, I iterate through the pages of the above pdfDoc and use page.getAnnots(pageNumber) to get an instance of each PDFNet.Annot.

For each instance, when I call await annot.getUniqueID() I get null, even though the exported XFDF has a name attribute.

What am I missing? The sample XFDF is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve"><annots><square page="1" rect="100,592,300,642" color="#000000" flags="print" name="66f150fb-31eb-9c5f-c4e1-4a0b14cbdc4f" title="Guest" subject="Rectangle" date="D:20241013090528-05'00'" creationdate="D:20241013090528-05'00'"/></annots></xfdf>

Hi there,

On WebViewer, you can use 2 types of annotations:

  • instance.Core.PDFNet.Annot
  • instance.Core.Annotations.Annotation

PDFNet.Annot is part of the full API that is generally used to work with server side operations.
Annotations.Annotation is the class within the WebViewer’s client-side JavaScript library, which is used to create and manipulate annotations in the browser.

An example of converting a WebViewer object to PDFNet object can be seen here:

You will need to extract the annotation properties and instantiate a new instance of the PDFNet’s annot object.
You can see the required properties for SquareAnnot here:
And the WebViewer’s rectangle annotation:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim