Using JBIG2 Threshold and SharePages paramaters for PDF Compression

Q: I have been playing with these two features in PDFNet JBIG2 compression filter and have couple of questions:

  1. JBIG2 Threshold – I tried to set the threshold, but did not observe any change in the generated file size. Not sure whether I am setting it the right way. Here is the code that I use

SDF::ObjSet hint_set;

SDF::Obj enc = hint_set.CreateArray();




PDF::Page page = doc.PageCreate(PDF::Rect(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight)); // Start a new page

elemWrtr.Begin(page); // Begin writing to this page

PDF::Image img = PDF::Image::Create(doc, (imgBufsVec[indx].get()), (unsigned int)imgBufSize, imgWidth, imgHeight, 1, PDF::ColorSpace::CreateDeviceGray(), enc);

PDF::Element element = elemBldr.CreateImage(img, Common::Matrix2D(imgWidth, 0, 0, imgHeight, 0, 0));




  1. SharePages – is there a way to specify the share page for a set of pages. I mean if I am putting 4 images into PDF using JBIG2 compression, I would like the compression algorithm to use same symbol table for pages ‘2 and 3’ and and not for pages ‘1 & 4’. Is the symbol table global for all pages in the PDF?


Regarding Threshold param, the supported values are in the rage 0.4-0.9. These control the amount of acceptable ‘data-loss’. Due to the way JBIG2 compression works (with symbol dictionaries etc) using higher compression (i.e. lower threshold) factor can lead to surprising problems (see,

For relevant discussion (related to PDFNet, posted before Xerox scandal) see:

    1. SharePages – is there a way to specify the share page for a set of pages. I mean if I am putting 4 images into PDF using JBIG2 compression, I would like the compression algorithm to use same symbol table for pages ‘2 and 3’ and and not for pages ‘1 & 4’.

You can achieve this by creating temporary PDFDoc-s then merging all pages into final PDF (with pdfdoc.InsertPages() as shown in PDFPage sample -

  • Is the symbol table global for all pages in the PDF?

PDFNet creates a shared symbol table for a set of pages (but not necessarily the entire page set). The size of this set can be controlled with /SharePages hint parameter which is used to specify the maximum number of pages sharing a common ‘JBIG2Globals’ segment stream. For systems will small amount of memory you will probably want to keep SharePages to minimum (e.g. 1-5).