We want to remove all values in the Document Viewer Form Field that were added during this session. Any signatures that were signed, values that were added to text fields, check boxes that were checked, or radio buttons that were selected. We want to l

Product: PDFSdk

Product Version:8.9.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue: I cannot delete the values in the signature and other form fields. Is there an event that resets all values to their original state?

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I have some form fields like signature, text field and check boxes. All these form fields are filled with values, while I save the webviewer I want to clear the values present in the webviewer.

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
Please find below code snippet

const { annotationManager } = webViewerRef.current.Core;

    annotationManager.getAnnotationsList().forEach(annot => {
        if (annot.Subject !== 'Widget') {
        } else {

There is a problem with the above code, it does not clear all form fields, one form field in the iteration is skipped, mainly the signature form field.

I believe this is not the best practice to do.