WebViewer missing features (or I can't find them)

I do not see the following features in the WebViewer, particularly for the DOCX editor (we have not yet used much related to the PDF viewer yet):

  • Undo AND CTRL-Z to undo via keyboard shortcut
  • CTRL-BACKSPACE to delete the to the beginning of the word, or if at a space, to the previous word. This is similar functionality to Office.
  • A way to set the width to FitWidth - I know the process to do this but it doesn’t work, so either there’s a different way with DOCX editor or the function needs to be fixed.
  • An easy way to customize the header - I wanted to remove a divider. I had to write DOM code to actually hide it but since the editor runs in an iframe, this was more difficult than it should be.
  • Better table editing, like setting background color and ability to adjust line width
  • CTRL-ENTER to insert page break.
  • CTRL-U for underline, CTRL-B for bold and CTRL-I for italics

That’s what we’ve come up and noticed for now.

I do not see the following features in the WebViewer, particularly for the DOCX editor (we have not yet used much related to the PDF viewer yet):

  • Undo AND CTRL-Z to undo via keyboard shortcut
  • CTRL-BACKSPACE to delete the to the beginning of the word, or if at a space, to the previous word. This is similar functionality to Office.
  • A way to set the width to FitWidth - I know the process to do this but it doesn’t work, so either there’s a different way with DOCX editor or the function needs to be fixed.
  • An easy way to customize the header - I wanted to remove a divider. I had to write DOM code to actually hide it but since the editor runs in an iframe, this was more difficult than it should be.
  • Better table editing, like setting background color and ability to adjust line width
  • CTRL-ENTER to insert page break.
  • CTRL-U for underline, CTRL-B for bold and CTRL-I for italics

That’s what we’ve come up and noticed for now.

Hi there,

Thank you for contacting WebViewer forums,

Most of those feature are in the backlog and is in the works by the development team.

For underline/bold/italics, this is already possible. Please try the office editor showcase:

(cmd + U/B/I with mac)

For customizing the header, please follow the guide here:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Thanks, I missed that.

UNDO (or lack thereof) is a major deal to us, almost a dealbreaker. Is there an ETA on when this will be implemented?

Thank you for your response,

The Undo/Redo feature for the docx editor is being targeted for the end of year release.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Is this still on target? We are getting a fair number of requests for it. Thanks!

Hi there,

As of now, there has been no changes to the target date.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Hi @kkim would you be able to confirm we’re on target and which other features will make it in the same release? we’re also facing pressure as the docx editing is quite useful in theory but currently many features are missing (among which table column resizing (!) so to be able to do minumal layout of pictures, cards etc.

Hi there,

There hasn’t been any updates to the target date for the docx undo/redo feature.
Table resizing is also in the backlog for the product team to review and prioritize in the future but there hasn’t been any updates for this yet.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim