The outline panel in the web viewer does not show color or style options. We are setting the bookmark color and style in some backend process. It would be nice if the color and style would reflect in the outline panel. We are using the example provided here to set color and style. Is this a bug with the webviewer or is there something that I am missing in the webviewer? The below image show a document opened in adobe on the left side. The right side is the same document opened in webviewer. Thanks.
// Adding color to Bookmarks. Color and other formatting can help readers
// get around more easily in large PDF documents.
red.SetColor(1, 0, 0);
green.SetColor(0, 1, 0);
green.SetFlags(2); // set bold font
blue.SetColor(0, 0, 1);
blue.SetFlags(3); // set bold and italic
WebViewer doesn’t currently support colored outlines right now. We do have this item in our backlog planned for development.
In the meantime, there is a workaround to achieve this. If you don’t already have built a custom UI, you can add a custom panel and then populate it with the outlines, after which you can implement how they’re styled and colored with CSS.
Thanks for your response maggiev. Is there a rough time frame or were this feature sits in your backlog. Our team is looking to implement a custom panel if this will not be implemented in the near future.
I’m glad to inform you that we’ve now added this feature and it’s available in our latest WebViewer version v10.3.0. Please check out the changelog page under “Added support for displaying colored bookmarks when the full API is enabled.”
Is there any chance that this will be support for read-only? Our use case is we build the pdf on the backend and use the viewer for read-only purposes, so the full API is not enabled on the viewer.
I’m glad you asked. This feature has been added to the standard API and will be available in the upcoming release of WebViewer version 10.5, which is expected to be released in a couple of weeks.
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