Webviewer - View Controls (Page Transition options missing)

I noticed in my WebViewer that the UI header doesn’t contain the “Page Transition” options when the View Controller button is selected. My options include the following:

I have been following along with this documentation to make sure I have the specific element(s) enabled.

I included the code block:

                'viewControlsOverlay', 'continuousPageTransitionButton']);
            console.log("Page Transition:  " + instance.isElementDisabled('continuousPageTransitionButton'));
            console.log("viewControls: " + instance.isElementDisabled('viewControlsButton'));
            console.log("viewOverlay: " + instance.isElementDisabled('viewControlsOverlay'));

The console is returning false, which indicates to me that the elements are enabled. Everything else is working as intended but this.

Please help,

Hello, I’m Ron, an automated tech support bot :robot:

While you wait for one of our customer support representatives to get back to you, please check out some of these documentation pages:


I’m looking at:

I see that the Page Transition option is included.

Please double check that your custom code is not doing anything weird.
Please also do an “inspect element” on that menu too to make sure you have no CSS styles hiding it.


I will do so, thanks for the reply. It is a bit odd though, the UI is working as intended (page transition is visible) on most documents (pdfs). However on some it, the UI issue appears. I have checked the pdfs properties and the page sizes are identical (8.5 x 11). Not sure what else could be causing this.

I will follow your advice and ensure nothing I have is interfering with the UI.


When I load the document (pdf) that is having issues here I get the same issue that I do on my end (NO Page transition options). This leads me to believe there is an issue with the document (.pdf) itself.


Please provide the PDF if possible so that I can try and reproduce on my end.


Unfortunatley our PDF has very sensative content that we do our best to protect. I have been looking through our PDFs to find the root cause of the issue.


I got in touch with PDFTron support by opening a ticket. It seems as though the Page Transition options are disable when viewing a document with 1000+ pages. This explains why the options disappear since the document I have been trying to view was about 1500+.

Thanks, everyone for the help