WebViewer Version:
“@pdftron/webviewer”: “^8.10.0-20221122”,
We are using printInBackground Method to print pdf page. then pdf print preview dialog open.
there are total 5 pages of pdf but in pdf preview dialog show one extra blank page so after save I got total 6 pages including that blank page.
How can we prevent this extra blank page?
Hi @alt.fw-btn2rdt,
Thanks for reaching out to us! We are aware of this extra blank page issue with printing and will be working on a fix soon. We’re aiming to have the fix in our next WebViewer release, scheduled for February 17th.
Let me know if there are any questions!
Adam Sinclair
Web Developer
Hi @alt.fw-btn2rdt,
Thanks for your patience. We have fixed the issue and it is available in our 8.11 nightly stable build. Could you refer to PDFTron Systems Inc. | Documentation to install the latest nightly builds and see if the issue is resolved on your end?
Adam Sinclair
Web Developer
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yes, that issue is fixed now and we’re checking other working stuffs related it. Thanks 
@asinclair I want to see all change logs related this webviewer@8.11.0-nightly.
Version : “@pdftron/webviewer”: “^8.11.0-20230206”,
please share a link with us.