Product: SyncFusion.Pdf.Net.Core
Product Version: 26.2.9
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
Annot.GetPage() returns Null
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
Usually we work fine with getting and setting Acrofields on Pdf
I’m attaching a Pdf we are having some issues with
Using this C# Code in a “net8.0-windows” library project
public void TestMethod(byte[] pdf)
using PDFDoc doc = new(new MemoryStream(pdf));
Field field = doc.GetField(“Text1”);
Annot annot = new Annot(field.GetSDFObj());
Page annotPage = annot.GetPage();
The variable “annotPage” is null.
“field” and “annot” variables are not null and seem to be correct
Extra Info: If I open the Pdf using “Adobe Acrobat XI Pro”, edit the Acrofield (Like changing the value in the Textbox) and save the Pdf, the issue disappears
If I try the same code snippet on the Pdf, after saving it with Adobe, then it correctly find the page
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
PdfIssue.pdf (399.7 KB)