For M1 MAC getting the Build Error


Product: PDFTron iOS SDK

For M1 MacBook getting the Build

ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS, file ‘/Users/bappaditya/Documents/Workspace/aconex-ios/Aconex/Frameworks/Tools.framework/Tools’ for architecture arm64

Is there any way solve this issue.


Hi @saikat.guchhait,

How are you integrating the framework? If you are manually doing it then you will need to use the XCFramework available in the DMG download.


I see that some of the instructions on that above linked page still reference the .framework file — sorry about that. We will update it.

If you are using CocoaPods then you will need to ensure you are using the xcframeworks podspec file:
pod 'PDFNet', podspec: ''

Does that work for you?

Yes, we are integrating Manually. There are 2 Frameworks available static and Dynamic
I took Dynamic Framework of PDFNet which contains XCFramework.
It works for me

Thanks @Jamie_Dassoulas

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