WebViewer Version:
Do you have an issue with a specific file(s)? No
Can you reproduce using one of our samples or online demos? No
Are you using the WebViewer server? Yes
Does the issue only happen on certain browsers? No
Is your issue related to a front-end framework? No
Is your issue related to annotations? No
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
(Think of this as an email subject)
How to highlight a text on a PDF rendered through PDFTron
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
(The more descriptive your answer, the faster we are able to help you)
We are using Playwright automation framework for testing one of our use cases.
The use case is to highlight certain text within a rendered PDF and click a button.
The PDF is rendered within an iframe:
Could you please let me know if there is a way to highlight a certain text within rendered PDF ?
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
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Hi wishnoosivadas ,
You can retrieve the text position first, which will return an array of Quads, and then programmatically create a text highlight annotation using these Quads. Please find below documentation:
Hope this helps!
Maggie V.
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Do you have a sample Playwright test which imports the WebViewer and does any of the above ?
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Hi wishnoosivadas ,
Here is a similar post to get you started about testing
I’m currently working on a proof-of-concept that involves using PDFTron for viewing and signing PDFs.
I’m working on creating some unit tests related to parsing the PDF for particular values, but I’m not sure how to setup the tests. Below is a sample of where I’m currently at with it. When I run the test, the Jest timeout is always reached, regardless of how long I set the timeout to be.
import WebViewer, { WebViewerInstance, WebViewerOptions } from "@pdftron/webviewer";
import "jest-c…
If you plan to test the UI, we use Storybook and Playwright, which can be found in our public repo https://github.com/PDFTron/webviewer-ui .
Maggie V.
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Here is the Playwright code I am using. Can someone help with below error?
import WebViewer, { WebViewerInstance, WebViewerOptions } from "@pdftron/webviewer"
test.only('WebViewer Test', async() => {
page = await context.newPage();
await loginPage.loginUser(page, context, Environment.userEmail, Environment.userPwd)
await fundsPage.goToFundDocs(page)
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'LPA Side Letter' }).click()
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Create Obligation' }).click()
const pdfFrame = await page.frameLocator('[title="PDF Viewer"]')
await expect(pdfFrame.locator('div#pageContainer1')).toBeVisible({timeout: 10000})
const instance = await setupInstance()
const doc = await instance.Core.documentViewer.getDocument().getPDFDoc()
const page = await doc.getPage(1)
const txt = await instance.Core.PDFNet.TextExtractor.create()
const line = await txt.getFirstLine()
async function setupInstance() {
const options = {
filename: "LPASideLetter.pdf",
fullAPI: true,
initialDoc: '../Fixtures/LPASideLetter.pdf',
loadAsPDF: true,
path: '../../../node_modules/@pdftron/webviewer/public'
const viewerElement = document.querySelector('#viewer')
const instance = await WebViewer(options, viewerElement);
return instance;
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I am blocked on this. Can someone help me out ? Thanks !
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Hi wishnoosivadas ,
Apologies for the delay.
Not sure if that’s how you retrieve WebViewer instance in playwright tests. For us, we’re getting it through window.instance
Please check out this post for more information about mocking WebViewer in testing.
Hi Ben,
Sorry for the delayed response, it looks like the issue is a bit more complex than I first thought. What does your testing framework look like? Are you using something like Puppeteer or Selenium? How are you handling the “window” object, are you mocking it? Also what are you planning to test, is it mostly APIs for processing the documents or is it more like integration testing to make sure everything works?
One issue with testing WebViewer is that it dynamically fetch resources (it do…
Maggie V.
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